Step into The Resilience Collective.

This isn't just another group—it's where real growth happens. Join us to connect with others who are serious about building mind, body, and spirit resilience. Find the support you need, push your limits, and turn challenges into strength. Click here to start living with purpose.

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Are you tired of living an unfulfilling life? Ready to finally break free from the rut? It’s time to take charge and transform everything. Join us on the journey with Resilient Horizons that’s designed to push your limits, build unshakable resilience, and ignite real growth in your mind, body, and spirit. This isn't just another event—it’s your shot at the life you’ve been craving. Don’t miss the chance to redefine your potential. Click now and make the move.

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Mindfulness Medic STOKE 1:1 Coaching

Are you a first responder, a dedicated healthcare professional, or someone in public safety, hearing that inner voice? It's a whisper, a longing, a profound desire to do more, to create, to find your purpose beyond your daily grind. Click below to learn about our STOKE program.

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Book Jason for your next event or class to discover real-world, applicable concepts that truly transform lives. Say goodbye to standard first responder mental health classes that simply check a box and hello to powerful, relatable and actionable insights.

Six Pillars One Purpose: Mind, Body & Spirit Resilience

At Mindfulness Medic, it’s about breaking through barriers and taking on life’s toughest challenges. My mission is to spark your inner strength and turn mindfulness into an unstoppable force for resilience. I’m here to push you past your limits, helping you reach your highest potential and live a life that’s powerful, purposeful, and relentless in its pursuit of vitality and fulfillment.


The six foundational pillars—Gratitude, Presence, Spirituality, Fitness, Family, and Financial Freedom—aren’t just concepts; they’re the keys to unlocking a life of true purpose.


Every day is a chance to grow stronger, not just to get through it. Embrace challenges, fully experience life, and transform your mindset.


Experience the power of turning obstacles into victories and shaping a reality that is not just strong, but exceptional.


Act now—build your resilience, ignite your potential, and start living with true fulfillment and vitality.

Embrace Your Resilience

Ready to unleash your inner strength in every part of your life? Mindfulness Medic apparel isn’t just clothing—it’s a declaration of your commitment to growth and resilience in mind, body, and spirit. Every design serves as a constant reminder of the life-changing SIX PILLARS: Gratitude, Presence, Spirituality, Fitness, Family, and Financial Freedom. Wear your resolve proudly and let it fuel your journey every single day.


I'm Jason Warn—a husband, father, firefighter paramedic, and entrepreneur. After over a decade as a first responder, I got fed up with living in the shadow of my trauma and PTSD. I was stuck in a victim mindset that held me back from being the leader my family and community needed.

I made a choice. Instead of letting the chaos control me, I embarked on a journey of transformation and re-discovery of my true purpose in life. That’s how Mindfulness Medic was born. It’s my mission to inspire and empower you to build resilience in mind, body, and spirit. Through sharing my journey and the Six Pillars I’ve relied on to improve my life, I want to show you that it’s okay to not be okay, but it’s not okay to stay there.

No matter how dark things get, there’s a life of limitless potential on the other side. With grit and tenacity, we can lean into the discomfort of healing and growth, and come out stronger than ever.

The Six Pillars

In order to transform our lives we must have a solid foundation in which to support our growth. Learn about the Mindfulness Medic Six Pillar System here. These are the foundational principles I have personally used to transform my life.

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