Mindfulness Medic STOKE 1:1 Coaching


-Unlock Your Potential: Answering the Call to Something Greater-

Are you a first responder, dedicated healthcare professional, or someone in a high-stress profession feeling that inner pull for something greater? That whisper, that longing to do more, to create, to find your purpose beyond the daily 9-5 grind?

-I Hear You. I Understand. I've Been There.-

I've walked that path. I’ve felt the need to build, to serve at a higher level, to optimize my physical and mental well-being. I know the inner turmoil of knowing you're meant for more but not knowing how to get there. Time is fleeting, and it's time to make every moment count. Because we're running out of time.

-The Mission: Guiding You to Your Higher Purpose-

I’m here to be your navigation guide. I'm going to ignite your potential, helping you build something meaningful that transcends above your career or material pursuits.

-Discover Your True Identity-

Let’s find that missing piece, that sense of purpose calling you to higher service. Mindfulness Medic STOKE is about self-discovery, mind-body-spirit resilience and creating vitality and fulfillment in your life.

-Maximize Every Second-

Our time here in this life is a gift. Together, we’ll work on strategies for personal growth, well-being, and living a life of fulfillment.

-Your Time is Now-

Don’t wait. Your inner calling is beckoning. Embrace it. You have the power to create something incredible, something that truly matters.

-Let's Get Moving, Answer the Call-

Are you ready to answer the call to something greater? Join the Mindfulness Medic STOKE coaching program and embark on a route of of self-discovery, purpose, and fulfillment. Together, we’ll ignite your purpose so you can serve at your highest potential.


What You Can Expect:

  • Achieve Profound Clarity: Uncover a deep sense of focus and clarity that lights up your path in this life.
  • Forge Your Unique Path: Craft a personalized roadmap, your very own blueprint for growth in Mind-Body-Spirit resilience.
  • Guidance from a Different Angle: Gain invaluable insights from an outsider’s perspective that has not only walked that road, but is continually on it.
  • Navigate Towards Leadership Excellence: Increase your capacity for effective leadership in your personal and professional life.
  • Discover Your True North: Find your true direction in the midst of life’s maze.


*Before our meeting, we will have the opportunity to email and outline topics you wish to discuss to fully maximize your time.